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I want all that secret old shit, like letters and sodas...

2005-06-14::4:24 p.m.

Hey ya! So, it is 4:30pm, Tuesday afternoon, and I am fresh out of class. What's a girl to do? Well, I don't know what typical girls do, but me, I am killing time before I go to work- for an hour! Yes, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons I work no longer than an hour- sure, I could go in earlier, but really, they have a hard enough time finding something for me to do for an hour, let alone 2.

Summer is going along swimmingly. I want to suffocate my roommate in her sleep, but once August rolls around I will be rid of her, (good riddance). Other than that it is all just work and school up the ass!

Speaking of school- who let the boys out? My photography class is swimming with potential mates- and if I were either a)pretty, or b) a hoe, I would be living it up. Since I am neither, I will have to settle for good conversation and eye candy.

For the reals though, there is this boy in my class- sooooo hot. Not in a conventional "All-American" boy type of way, but totally in the "Tina-likes-boys-that-resemble-stick-figures" type of way. Really, he is painfully thin, but so hot- and really, I don't understand my strong attraction to him. It all began last semester...I spied him in the audience during an archilecture (architecture+lecture, welcome to dork city, population 700), and I was completely entranced- I must admit I watched him more than the speaker. Occassionally, from then on, I would see him around school, but I pretty much put a damper on things until this summer, when I met up with him again in my photo class. In the beginning, I was a little put-off, but as time rolled by I realized that a)he is super nice, b) his smile is amazing, and c) we have very similar tastes in music and art in general. So, now we are married in my mind, although I am sure he doesn't even know my name.

However, there is one boy who definitely knows my name. Our class took a field trip this weekend, out to Fallingwater- I had been there before, but I was excited to go with the new class, and "bond." One of the kids I rode down with was pretty cool- again, I semi-knew him before class, but never really spoke to him. We seemed to hit it off famously on the drive home, and I was excited to report to everyone about my new husband. However, yesterday a string of events occurred which ruled this possibility out. It began with him showing up intoxicated to the dark room. I don't know for sure if he was drunk, but he was definitely acting, if not drunk, then manic. He was talking to me non-stop- I couldn't get a word in edge-wise. Then, all hell broke loose- he pulled out his IPod and began singing, horribly, at the top of his lungs, to the tune of "I've Got Friends in Low Places." Really, it was fucking surreal- I thought I was dreaming. Things kept getting more and more odd, until he left for the night with a "friend" of his who may or may not be his girlfriend at the moment. All I know is he showed up for class this morning, 20 minutes late, wearing the same clothes as yesterday. So, I am putting a squash on that crush- we are all stocked up with crazy over here as it is- I don't need that mess to deal with.

This all has lead me to conclude that I will probably never find a boy I truly like. They all look so tempting, and then you get to know one, and they are just as fucked up as your typical girl. Yay, I successfully shit away a half-hour, and now it is time for me to head to work!


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My Smiths anthem is...'What She Said' My Smiths anthem is... "What She Said"
Snarl, cynic, snarl! Your philosophy and intellect seem to have gotten the best of you, and you seem to like it so far (at least outwardly). People? Who needs people when you have books and mountains of rationalization? Consider whether your bad luck in life may be the result of a matching mountain of self-pity, and try something new for a change (or someone new...)
"What She Said" is from Meat Is Murder.

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