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outkast::speakerboxxx/ the love below
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iggy & the stooges::raw power

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A Girl Can Dream, Can't She?


Do you think it is possible to have a heart-to-heart email? Usually I think email is the most impersonal, horrible way to communicate with someone, but I just sent an e-mail to my friend Katie that was really heart felt. It was like having a good heart-to-heart conversation with her, even though it was completely one-sided. Just a bunch of incoherent rambling on my part really. Oh well, the point is it made me feel better. It is nice to be able to write that openly to her, because recently our relationship had fallen into a rut, and we haven't been able to talk openly to each other in awhile. But we are in the process of mending, and I think these heart-to-heart emails are a good sign.

JAlsup told me I need to redesign my diary and I agree. One of my projects over Christmas Break will be to learn some more html so I can renovate this diary, and also so I can renovate our pita next time we get sick of it. How am I going to change the diary? Well, I don't really have any specific ideas in mind, but I am thinking of a few things. You'll just have to wait and see. Can you stand the suspense? My guess is that the five people who have accidentally stumbled upon this diary really don't give a shit. For anyone who does read this crap on a regular basis, I am taking suggestions, so if you have any, e-mail me.

Thank God this semester is almost over. I really hate talking about school in my diary, but it is the only thing I have going on in my life, so here you go, another boring school story. Feel free to skip this paragraph. Anyway, basically German is just kicking my ass and I am looking forward to being over and done with it. I am just not prepared for finals. I have a paper to write, a portfolio for German to work on, blah, blah, blah. It really sucks. Next semester is going to be so much better, I just know it. Oh hey, one good piece of news, one of my research projects is completely finished now. I was doing double-duty for awhile, but now I am done, and I can concentrate all of my time on my classes and H.A.L.O., and hopefully even get a job without feeling like I am being spread too thin.

Ha, I had a crazy notion this last week. I thought I wanted to apply to U of M again. What was I thinking? I was delusional long enough to convince myself that a)it was a good idea, b)this time I would get accepted, and c)that my parents would find a way to be able to afford it. I even went as far as to fill out the application (at least I didn't mail it). I kept it hush-hush though. I didn't want anyone to know about it unless I got accepted. I guess I never really got over not being accepted my first time, and I was still hanging on to this crazy goal of one day graduating with a degree from U of M. Over the last couple of days though, I have gotten over it. I realized that it wasn't really so much that I wanted to go there, but just that I wanted to be accepted there, sort of just to have them justify my intelligence. I mean, transfering there right now would be the biggest mistake of my college career. It would put me even further behind in my majors, and I would only be able to get credit for 60 credit hours at Wayne, even though I will have over 90 by next fall. The only reason I wanted to transfer there was to prove to myself that I could do it, oh and also to get out of the house and stick my parents with the tab. I am sort of in love with the idea of dorm life. I really wanted to have that experience, and sometimes I think I am really missing out by not having had it. JAlsup is getting ready to transfer to Northern next year, and I think talking with her about her plans realy spurred me to want to re-apply. Anyway, I need to give up this U of M dream, and just do the logical thing- stay at Wayne State, move out of my house, keep my grades up, continue my research, complete my majors, and finally graduate! At the rate I am going, I will be in college forever.

Ugh, it is 12:30 now. No wonder I am yawning. I have a big day ahead of me tomorrow. I will be administering my first interview for H.A.L.O., and then Besse and I are going to see the Tragically Hip. I need to get my ass to bed now!


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My Smiths anthem is...'What She Said' My Smiths anthem is... "What She Said"
Snarl, cynic, snarl! Your philosophy and intellect seem to have gotten the best of you, and you seem to like it so far (at least outwardly). People? Who needs people when you have books and mountains of rationalization? Consider whether your bad luck in life may be the result of a matching mountain of self-pity, and try something new for a change (or someone new...)
"What She Said" is from Meat Is Murder.

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