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I'm going to Atlanta?

2002-03-15::11:05 p.m.

"Welcome to Atlanta Where the Playa's Play!"

For those of you who don't know, this week was WSU's Spring Break, and, as you probably have guessed by now, I spent my vaca in sunny Atlanta, GA. Maria and I left Saturday morning, drove through the pouring rain, and made it to Besse's home in Lawrenceville around 8:30pm. Even though we were exhausted from only getting about 4 hours of sleep the night before, we mustered up the energy to get showered, change into our party attire, and meet Besse for a night on the town. After stopping by the house for an amazingly accurate map and directions courtesy of Besse's friend, Ryan, we were off to Buckhead, a section of Atlanta remniscent of downtown Windsor. There we barhopped, shook some ass, and drank until we puked, well, maybe not that much, but enough. From there, we made the journey home, and crashed until 1pm.

After we awoke from the dead, Besse and I drove up to the mall, where she worked and I shopped, leaving Maria at home to work on her paper for German and begin her love affair with Besse's brother, Pat. While Maria was working her magic, I was spending hours in Books-A-Million, and the Sanrio store. Can we say 22 year old virgin? I came home with 5 new books- The Coldest Winter Ever, Timequake, Working, Waiting, and Urban Legends, and a shitload of HK stuff, my favorite thing being the Nyago purse I bought myself. Oh yeah, did I mention I'm a dork?

After I got home, Maria and I took naps and waited patiently for Besse to get home from work. That night the three of us went out with Pat and his friend, Travis, to American Pie, one of the only bars open on Sunday, and picked up where we had left off the night before. After getting sufficiently trashed, like ever spring-breaker should, we headed back to the house, and poured ourselves into our beds.

The next day was Monday, and Besse and Pat had to get up too fucking early and go to work, so Maria and I had the house to ourselves. Of course we slept half of the day, and probably would have slpet longer, had I not heard Pat come home for lunch and decided it was time for me to get my lazy ass in the shower. Finally, around 2pm, we actually left the house and attempted to do some touristy things in the city, like visit the Underground, the CNN Center, and the Coke museum.

Okay, here's a little secret you should know- Atlanta loves wrestling. Seeing as it was Monday night, what else would we be doing other than getting trashed and watching the WWF? Easily the trashiest night of my life, but, I still had fun. Everyone had to work again the next morning, leaving Maria and I up watching Sybil with the closed captioning on so as not to wake anyone up- not reccommended. Finally we retired for the evening, and slept our lives away, waking up around 1pm the next day to rain and grey skies.

Because we are unbelievably lazy, this gave us an excuse not to leave the house until 4pm, only venturing as far as the mall where we both bought new sunglasses, and I bought part of Katie's birthday present even though her birthday isn't until July. From there we rushed home because we were starving and were planning on taking Pat and Besse out to dinner at a Mexican restaurant. When we got there, we found Besse sleeping, and so we waited nearly two hours before waking her up and heading out to Monterrey, the best Mexican restaurant I have been to in maybe forever. The meal was excellent, and our waiter had a little crush on Maria, which culminated in his trying unsuccessfully to swap spit with her twice. After dinner, we returned to the house, and in keeping with our Mexican theme, began downing margaritas and tequilia shots. A lovely way to end our stay, especially for Maria, who ended the evening making out hardcore with Pat on the front porch, while Besse slept, and I attempted to read one of my books through a drunken haze. With the late night and all of the liquor consumed, is there any wonder why we didn't leave Besse's until 1pm the next day? We finally made it home safe and sound at 2am Thursday, after the longest drive of my life. Driving through Ohio is horrible- so stinky and ugly, I wish there were a way to bypass it all together. In the end though, I'd have to say a pretty damn good time was had by all.

Now, I am back home. Back to life, back to reality. I am so bored with my life here, work, school, it's all so blah. I am convinced, life in the real world is going to be so much better than this. I just can't wait to get my life started already.

Fuckin-a, someone left there goddamn dog out and it is barking it's head off- there goes any train of thought I had. It's after one in the morning people, your dog should not be outside! I guess I'll wrap this up now, but before I do, two unrelated tidbits of info, I was sitting here drinking a Mike's Hard Lemonade while typing this, so excuse an spelling/ grammatical errors exceeding the norm, and two, I saw the cutest fucking thing today at work- an international cd, from Japan actually, with fucking incense in the side area next to the cover. How fucking adorable/ingenious/awesome is that? More cd manufacturers should utilize that otherwise dead space. Think of the possibilities. Also, one last thing, sorry, wait, why am I apologizing, this is my fucking diary after all, ok fuck it, in that case, two last things. One, the Kids in the Hall are coming to D-town again and Katie and I are going! Yay! Two, I have developed this horrible crush on this boy Greg (or Gray-g, as JAlsup was quick to point out that I pronounce it funny), at work and I am pondering making him a mix cd for his birthday next week. Send any song suggestions to [email protected], because really, don't all of you want to see me get laid already? Who am I kidding, I am just asking for a world of hurt if I make this cd, but send your suggestions anyway.

Later Y'All!!!


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My Smiths anthem is...'What She Said' My Smiths anthem is... "What She Said"
Snarl, cynic, snarl! Your philosophy and intellect seem to have gotten the best of you, and you seem to like it so far (at least outwardly). People? Who needs people when you have books and mountains of rationalization? Consider whether your bad luck in life may be the result of a matching mountain of self-pity, and try something new for a change (or someone new...)
"What She Said" is from Meat Is Murder.

Take the What Is Your Smiths Anthem? Test