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Let's Play Catch-Up, Shall We?

2002-10-14::9:18 p.m.

Hey, so it has been like a hundred years since I last updated- go me! Why such a long wait? Probably just because I have been overwhelmed with the idea of writing an entry to explain everything that has happened since May. So, I am just going to try to give you the quick and dirty version, rather than fill you in on every last detail.

So let's see, around the time I lost my internet connection, I had just returned home from a vacation to Disney World with Jenny and her family. I'm really glad I got the chance to go with them, even though we all got on each other's nerves a bit towards the end, I think a good time was had by all. If you want to hear more about it, check out this entry in JAls's diary, or this one, complete with embarassing pitures of yours truly. Yeah, so we really did have fun, and I think JAls and I should go back again someday soon, however, this time I don't want to hear any of her, "I don't get sunburned, I'm an American Indian," shit.

June and July kind of blur together for me. I can't remember anything really specific about either month. I guess the most interesting thing that happened during this time, was that Katie and I started looking for apartments in Chicago. We managed to get the same days off from work, so every Wednesday and Thursday for a month we drove to the Windy City and spent two days in my car driving around, looking at mostly shitholes. We found a couple of nice places, and the place we ended up taking isn't bad. It's got it's flaws, but it's nothing we can't live with, and the price is right. Although I'd rather be a little closer to downtown, I am still pretty happy with our place. We have it decorated really cute, and honestly, there is nothing better than coming home after a long day at work to your own place.

Also of importance around this time- remember my friend and one of my many crushes at work, Jay? Well, around this time he and I started hanging out a lot, and discussed the possibility of being more than friends, if you catch my drift. Nothing came out of it though, because even though he admitted he liked me, and had been wanting to ask me out, he didn't want to get involved because I would be moving in less than a month, and he didn't think the long distance thing could work. Needless to say, I was heartbroken. The night he broke my heart though, he wanted to go out, so we went to some divey little bar and had a beer, and it made me sadder than ever that night when I got home, because I had such a good time with him, and the whole night all I could think was, and we aren't going to try to make this work because why? I hadn't felt that comfortable with a boy maybe never before. And so, that was that. We continued to hang out up until I left for Chicago, and the night of my going away party, he even brought Katie and I a going away present (two mix cds for me, and Enid and Rebecca dolls for the both of us), and he ended up spending the night at my house, (on the couch), and the next morning I got up early to get him up for work and we watched the news together before he left, and it was just really nice. To make matters worse, my parents totally loved him. My drunk mom was all flirty with him, and everyone else for that matter, (she was crazy at the party, encouraging keg stands and all), and my dad was all making fun of him and talking to him about The Specials and some bar he used to go to in Detroit that Jay goes to now. But yeah, God hates me, (and he should, considering I am an atheist), and so Jay and I are never going to be anything more than friends. I have tried to keep in touch with him since the move, but it has been hard- he's been really busy, working two jobs and going to school, and all. I sent him a nice present for his birthday though, including some mix cds I made him, I don't know what I was thinking though since mix cds are the kiss of death for me. Things are pretty much at a dead end right now, but for some reason, I just won't let myself give up on the idea that one day, things will magically work out, and he and I will end up together. Pathetic and unhealthy, I know.

So, this brings us to the move here. Katie and I moved into our place in the middle of August, and both started working at Borders stores in the city shortly after. At first I hated mine, but I have pretty much gotten used to it now, and I have finally made a few friends there. However, I really don't want to work there anymore, retail is driving me nuts, and I just can't even think about another Borders's Christmas without getting sick to my stomach, so I have been trying to find a new job. Katie's mom pulled some strings at a bank here, and I had an interview downtown on Thursday. Boy, was that a fiasco. I am so not cut out for a real job. I just can't compete with all of the young professionals in their power suits and briefcases. I was so totally not qualified for the job, and I was so nervous during the interview. The HR woman was really intimidating as well, grilling me about my decision to leave Wayne State, and about why I didn't get into U of M, and about my plans for the future. It was really ugly. I don't think I did horrible, but I didn't do great either. After my interview with her was over, she sent me over to another building to meet with the woman I would be working under, and my meeting with her went much better. She knew Katie's mom, and the two of us ended up chatting it up. It's ultimately her decision as to who she wants to hire, so hopefully she'll decide to take a chance with me. I am a little worried though, because there are a few people applying from the inside, and so they are the preferred canidates for the job. Cross your fingers for me, ok? I really want this job- I would have holidays and weekends off, the hours would be good, and I would have excellent benefits, get paid more, and get two weeks of paid vacation time a year. Although it is just a boring data entry job, it sounds like heaven compared to Borders. I find out Wednesday or Thursday whether or not I got the job, so wish me luck.

Well, I should probably cut this shrt now. I know there is more that I want to talk about, but it is getting late, and I have to be to work early for new release day tomorrow. Did I mention how much I love Borders already?


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My Smiths anthem is...'What She Said' My Smiths anthem is... "What She Said"
Snarl, cynic, snarl! Your philosophy and intellect seem to have gotten the best of you, and you seem to like it so far (at least outwardly). People? Who needs people when you have books and mountains of rationalization? Consider whether your bad luck in life may be the result of a matching mountain of self-pity, and try something new for a change (or someone new...)
"What She Said" is from Meat Is Murder.

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