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Not Unlike Misery, Gluttony Loves Company

2002-12-01::9:42 p.m.

So, how was everyone's Thanksgiving? In one word, mine was FAT. Goddamn, I LOVE Thanksgiving. I must have eaten about ninety pounds of yams and stuffing, and forty pies of all varieties. My stomach has now expanded to roughly the size of a football field, and so I have to eat my weight in food everyday to be feel full. I love my fat ass.

This weekend has been the longest of my life, and while I had a good time, I am glad it's all over. Here is a rundown of the events. Wednesday night I worked until 5pm, and then came home, packed and napped, and then went to a sleepover for my friend Rene from work. The sleepover was a lot of fun, and even though I was still a little reserved, (I can't help it, I am still a little shy around these kids), I feel much more comfortable around them now- like I am making real friends. It's nice to feel included, because lately I have been sooooo homesick and lonely. So, that night we basically just sat around drinking beer and gossiping, until like 4:30am, and stupid me, I had to get up at 8:30 Thursday morning to drive home for the holiday. I made it home by 2pm, and gorged myself along with the rest of my family. It was so nice to stay home for the holiday instead of going to some relative's house. After dinner I took the annual Thanksgiving nap, for like 2 hours. It was wonderful, and spent the rest of the evening playing Grand Theft Auto Vice City with my 13 year old brother. I turned in early that evening, and instead of getting up early like all of the other freaks for the after-Thanksgiving sales, I slept in and lied around in my pjs all day. Finally around 5pm, I decided to do something with my day, and so I called some friends of mine, neither of which I was able to get a hold of, so it was back to palling around with my brother. It wasn't until around 11pm that I finally heard from my friend Maria, and so I met up with her and we ended up hanging out with our friend Besse, (she was home from Georgia), and Besse's sister until the wee hours of the morning. Even though I didn't get to bed until 5am that night, I made myself get up at a decent hour on Saturday, wanting to get a few things done before I had to drive home. However plans changed when I went out to lunch with my mom and was faced with a blizzard driving us back home. We turned on the weather channel when we got back to the house, and sure enough, Michigan was going to be getting some snow, especially near the border with Indiana, which I had to drive through to get home. So, I decided it would be best to stay another night and just get up really early to drive back to Chicago in time to make it for my shift at 11 this morning. So, last night I stayed in with my family and played Scrabble, which was a disaster- my brother, who is only 13, beat us all 2 out of the 3 games, and I only managed to win the one by a narrow margin. The last game was the worst, he beat me 255 to like 124 or something, it was pathetic. It was all my fault though, I helped him with his first word, in which he used all his letters, and ended up scoring like 76 points or something ridiculous. Even though he beat my ass, it was still a good time- mostly because my brother was making us all laugh so hard we were in tears. God, I miss that kid.

That was pretty much my weekend at home. I got up at like 5am today, and relucantly drove back to Chicago, making it back just in time to shower and head to work. Today was a pretty shitty day at work, there was some stupid parade on the way there, and so I had to change busses, making me like 15 minutes late for work. And then I had really annoying, demanding customers, and missed my lunch because I got stuck helping one of them, and so I had to go to lunch late. But the worst was tonight, I was waiting for the bus out in front of my store, and I had to wait for like 15 minutes, and then the fucking thing just drove past me and all of the other people waiting. I thought if I ran after it I would be able to catch it, but all I succeeded in doing was giving myself a cough from breathing in all of that cold air. Then I had to wait another 20 minutes for the next fucking bus. I was so cold, and so pissed off, I was crying. I really hate my life here sometimes. Okay, most of the time. And now I am finally home, and all I want to do is go to bed, but I can't for reasons I would rather not discuss. I just hope I can get to sleep soon, because I have to be back at fucking work in less than 10 hours.

Can I please move back home now?


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My Smiths anthem is...'What She Said' My Smiths anthem is... "What She Said"
Snarl, cynic, snarl! Your philosophy and intellect seem to have gotten the best of you, and you seem to like it so far (at least outwardly). People? Who needs people when you have books and mountains of rationalization? Consider whether your bad luck in life may be the result of a matching mountain of self-pity, and try something new for a change (or someone new...)
"What She Said" is from Meat Is Murder.

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