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Happy Birthday Greg!

2002-03-24::3:44 a.m.

Fuck, I'm trunk. Katie and I decided there needed to be a label for the state between tipsy and drunk, thus, trunk was born. Actually, I am not as tipsy as I was, say half an hour ago when I was driving home. I shouldn't have driven home. I didn't have far to drive, and I don't think my driving was seriously impaired, but it was impaired nonetheless. It is taking all of the concentration I have just to type. The sad part is, I only had two fucking beers. I have such a ridiculously low tolerance, but I guess when you are drinking to get a buzz, that's a good thing. The best part about tonight, I didn't spend any money. Jay and Julia totally bought for everyone. I'll have to pay them back tomorrow at the Oscar party. Are you lost yet? I bet. So am I. All of a sudden I went from spending a night at home, studying and doing laundry, to drinking it up at Gusoline Alley with my fellow co-workers. Remember I said I was going to make a cd for the boy I had a crush on at work because his birthday was coming up? Well, it's his birthday today, so after work tonight the boys were going out, and imagine my surprise when Jay asked me if I wanted to go along. Because I got off of work earlier than the boys, I had to meet them up there, which kind of worried me because I didn't know who exactly who was going to be there, and I didn't want to get there too early or too late. So, I ended up getting there around 11:30, and after a short wait outside (why I don't know), I found Jay, Greg (the birthday boy), and Sean. I was a little worried that I wouldn't be able to relax, since I have had mini-crushes on all three of these boys since I started working with them, so imagine my relief when Julia walked through the door. I had no idea she was even coming, but I'm glad she did. It's funny, because really, she and I have only hung out 3 times, including tonight, she's actually Katie's friend, but I totally feel like I have known her forever. So yeah, we all had some beer and got all chatty, and I think a good time was had by all, although, now that I am starting to sober up, I wonder how dumb I was? Sometimes I think I end up coming off as really dumb. I don't know, my head is not in the right place to try to explain it to you, I just have a hard time being myself with other people. Oh man, Fight Club is on right now. No matter how hot you thought Brad Pitt and Edward Norton were, they are 1,000 times hotter when you have a buzz on. God, I am pathetic.

Since, today is Greg's birthday, then maybe some of you have deduced that I finished his mix cd. You are correct, I stayed up to 5am last night finishing it. I don't know why I made it, in my case, as you all already know, mix cds are the kiss of death. Here's the song list I finally went with-

1) The Beatles- Birthday

2) Ted Leo- Timorous Me (thanks AK, you were good for something)

3) The Hives- Main Offender

4) The White Stripes- A Boy's Best Friend

5) Eric's Trip- Haze

6) Rainer Maria- Half-Past April

7) The Beta Band- Dry the Rain

8) Archers of Loaf- Slow Worm

9) Versus- Forest Fire

10) Death Cab for Cutie- Wait (the secret stars)

11) Modest Mouse- Polar Opposites

12) Blind Melon- Change

13) The Velvet Underground- Sweet Jane

14) Jeff Buckley- Opened Once

15) Built to Spill- You Are

16) Moby- Everloving

So, what do you all think? Completely ugly, huh? It was a really hard cd to make, because I wanted it to be good, and flow well, but I also didn't want it to be crazy suggestive, like AK's was, so I had to drop a lot of the songs that I would have ordinarily included. Anyway, I hope he likes it. I also went in on the stores present for him- the box set of the first season of Oz. I didn't get anything cool like that from everyone for my birthday- shit, I had to work on my birthday and I didn't even get a "Happy Birthday," from anyone. I wasn't quite as vocal about it being my birthday as Greg was though.

Okay, I think I am too tired to write anymore. I will fill you all in on Michigan Fest and Death Cab for Cutie next time I write.


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My Smiths anthem is...'What She Said' My Smiths anthem is... "What She Said"
Snarl, cynic, snarl! Your philosophy and intellect seem to have gotten the best of you, and you seem to like it so far (at least outwardly). People? Who needs people when you have books and mountains of rationalization? Consider whether your bad luck in life may be the result of a matching mountain of self-pity, and try something new for a change (or someone new...)
"What She Said" is from Meat Is Murder.

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