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This One's a Snoozer

2004-02-16::4:34 p.m.

Ha, here I sit, in LTU's poor excuse for a library. At least it has books, I'll give them that much. The undergrad library at Wayne had NO books when I was there- you could look through the empty shelves from one end of the library to another. LTU has books, but the library is horribly small- one story, located in the basement of the student center, no real windows except for a little atrium area, not enough tables and chairs for the students- I like to spread out in the library, make my own little home- today I am in one of those little cubbies, and I am not happy about it. It's nice though, I am chowing on some animal crackers, and I don't have anything pressing to get done- I finally finished both of my projects for my studio classes this week- I got A's on both, and was very happy with how they turned out. One was a near photographic rendering of a perfume bottle in colored pencil (sounds real difficult I know, but really, it was), the other a 3-D construct conveying the effect of light on how we view mass, (I made it out of an old turntable, a lightbulb, and some forms made of balsa and twill). I realize neither of those sound very interesting, but the perfume bottle is going to be hung in the hallway joining the technology and architecture buildings, and my professor really liked the sculpture, (she said it was beautiful, not once, but twice, and that it put her in a trance). Ugh, I know how ugly I sound right now, but this is the first time in awhile that I have been proud of something I have created, so allow me my bragging rights, please.

Really, school is about all I have to be proud of anyhow. I still have no job, and really it isn't because there are none to be had, it's because I don't want one, and can afford to not have one still. Things are going to change in that department, because I think I may soon have a job with my friend from school at his Blockbuster. It's way out in BFE, but really, how fucking easy will working at a video store be? It's perfect for me really, and seems like it'll be less demanding than Borders- also it has some nice perks- who doesn't like free rentals and part-time health insurance? Really, the part-time health insurance was the deciding factor in my applying there. So, I have probably completely jinxed my chances by talking about it so much, but wish me luck.

How was everyone's Valentine's Day? We all know Kelly's was fucking fantastic, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't envious, but how was everyone else's? How was mine, you ask, boring as usual. This weekend I dogsat for my parents, what fun, and I decided to rent some movies to occupy my time, being that I have such a lonely, lonely, pathetic life- I came away with About Schmidt and Punch Drunk Love. I have yet to watch the latter, but can I just say, About Schmidt made me want to kill myself? Maybe it was just seening Jack so old, but whereas I enjoyed it, it really did not make for a good I'm-Lonely-On-Valentine's-Day-Picker-Upper. I suppose it was better than last year's pick, The Pianist, but at least last year I went out with a friend and saw it, and ended the night with drinks with the aforementioned friend and my crush at the time. Oh well, next year maybe I should rent Sophie's Choice, no? No, next year I should get off my ass and go out anyway, date or no- maybe Cupid will hit me in the ass with an arrow, like he did Kelly and her new boy.


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My Smiths anthem is...'What She Said' My Smiths anthem is... "What She Said"
Snarl, cynic, snarl! Your philosophy and intellect seem to have gotten the best of you, and you seem to like it so far (at least outwardly). People? Who needs people when you have books and mountains of rationalization? Consider whether your bad luck in life may be the result of a matching mountain of self-pity, and try something new for a change (or someone new...)
"What She Said" is from Meat Is Murder.

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