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Bizarre Love Square? a.k.a- I Need Some Lovin'

2002-04-12::10:55 p.m.

Heylo. Huh, so where to start? I just got home from work tonight, and I am on a total sugar high thanks to the Lindor truffles we sell, which really are the greatest things on earth. Also, I got some upsetting news at work tonight. I was so excited this week because I got my review, and I scored so well on it that I got a $0.32 raise! Go me! Anyway, I am a dork, so really, I was pretty excited, though I thought it was funny that I should be getting a review and a raise, when I just had one for my 6 month milestone. Well, I should have known it was too good to be true, because Borders totally caught their mistake, and now I don't get any raise, at all, although I totally deserve one, and they even said it. Blah, I hate my life. Good news is that they are so happy with me that they are going to make me officially full time as soon as they are allowed the hours in payroll, they are willing to help me get into a store in Chitown, and they are totally starting to teach be a zillion things so that hopefully I can move into a higher paying position when I transfer. So, I guess I can't complain too much. Also, Jen may also be getting a job there for the summer. Who hoo! I am excited about that.

So, yesterday was horrible, I had to work from 7am-4pm, and because I only had three hours of sleep Wednesday night, I totally fell asleep yesterday at 6:30pm and didn't wake up until 3:30am. Then, of course, I couldn't fall back to sleep, so instead I finished Fight Club. I finally fell back asleep sometime around 7 this morning, and got up again at 12pm. Isn't that ugly?

Here's some info for you all- I upgraded to the SuperGold Membership (it only cost me $6), and so now I have my own d-land e-mail account, and now you can also leave these cute little comment things by clicking on "holla" above. Please check it out, because it is making me sad that no one has yet.

I think I'll go now, boring entry, I know, but I think Kelly and I are going out to eat in a little while, so I probably shouldn't get into anything else tonight.

Oh, before I go, one more thing. This is horrible. Remember I was telling you all how things were awkward for me when we went out to celebrate Greg's b-day because I had a crush on all of the boys there at one time or another since I started working at Borders? Well, it's totally gotten worse. I still like all three of these boys, and whoever I am working with for the day is totally the one I like more for that day, but otherwise, I like them all equally. Right now Sean may be a tiny bit in the lead though. Today he left me a note in my mailbox about some project our team was working on, and I totally kept it and tapped on my desk next to my picture of Sydney. Why am I so ugly? It isn't even anything exciting! It totally reminds me of this time I kept a little slip of paper passed out to me by my intro psych instructor because I had a crush on him. It is still tacked to my corkboard, and JAls always makes fun of it. Wanna know what it says? "This is about 'Kite Flying.'" God, I am a sad, sad, pathetic girl. Also, and you are going to laugh, I had a dream about my high school english teacher, Mr. Toma, the other night. It wasn't a sex dream or anything, but I totally was trying to hook up with him in my dream, all sitting next to him with my arm around him. It was so weird. Here's what you should know about Toma to fully be able to appreciate this story- 1) I had a little bit of a crush on him in high school- to the point where I made him a mix tape, 2) He sent me a valentine that the drama kids made as a fundraiser, and which JAls encouraged him to do- it read I LOVE EWE!, 3) He has said some creepy things to me when I have seen him since I graduated, my favorites being, "Are you seeing anyone?," and (after his apartment was burned down in a fire and he had relocated), "Yeah, it's a shame you never got to see the old apartment." Can we say creepy? Call me crazy, but though I hate to admit it, part of me likes it because I am such an ugly girl that I like any attention any man gives to me. So, knowing those things, you can see how this dream came about. I just need some love. Really that's all. Just a hug from a member of the opposite sex who isn't related to me, would totally brighten my day. You know how babies will die if you don't hold them, well, I am beginning to think 22 year old virgins will too.


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My Smiths anthem is...'What She Said' My Smiths anthem is... "What She Said"
Snarl, cynic, snarl! Your philosophy and intellect seem to have gotten the best of you, and you seem to like it so far (at least outwardly). People? Who needs people when you have books and mountains of rationalization? Consider whether your bad luck in life may be the result of a matching mountain of self-pity, and try something new for a change (or someone new...)
"What She Said" is from Meat Is Murder.

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