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Blah, blah, blah, school, blah, blah, blah, work, blah, blah, blah, hopeless crush

2001-06-17::11:43 p.m.

Hello Baby!

Long time, no see. Yeah, so I am finally updating. It's funny how I wait until the absolute worst time to update my diary, and then I do it. I have a presentation to do in class tomorrow, and being the procrastinator I am, of course I didn't start it until yesterday. The project is for my African-American studies class, and our group decided to focus on religion (huh, my favorite subject). Anyway, I chose to cover African-Americans who practice Judiasm. Wrong choice. I could not find any books on the subject at all. I know there were books written on the subject, but for some reason when I went to the DPL yesterday, they had all mysteriously disappeared. I even tried 3 bookstores near my home- nada. That's what I get for waiting until the absolute last minute I suppose. Anyway, so I was having a nervous breakdown about it yesterday, until I spoke with my personal adviser, Jenny, over a warm bottle of Mike's Hard Lemonade, who suggested that I just simply change my topic. So I did- to Voodooism. It's a pretty interesting religion to study, but since I didn't get to the library today until 4pm, I still have a lot of work ahead of me. So, although my intention was to come online to find more info, here I am updating, and after that boring, rambling bit, I bet you are all glad I am spending my time so wisely. Anyway, so yeah, what's new? Not much to tell the truth, but don't worry, I am famous for my monologues, so I will think up something to fill this space. Let's see, I finally quit my horrible job at Beaumont for good- with no notice I might add. Easily the most irresponsible thing I have ever done. You see, I was offered a job with the research group I work with at Wayne, and so I accepted it and started right away. I had a week off before my next shift at Beaumont, and the night before I found myself sitting in a Ram's Horn at 2am, discussing with Jenny (who else?) over a plate-o-heart-attack how the thought of reporting for my shift at Beaumont in less than five hours made me physically ill. Jenny, the pinnacle of wisdom that she is, suggested that I simply call in and quit. So I did- that night at 4am I left a voicemail stating how I had just spread myself too thin between two jobs and two classes, and I was sorry, but I was never coming back. I know what you are thinking- WHAT A PUSSY! But hey, I have never quit a job on the spot before, and if I would have tried to quit in person, they would have just guilted me into finishing out my two weeks. Oh, guess what! I have really exciting news- Jenny is finally an aunt! Lisa, Jenny's sister, had her baby on June 3. It was a girl, which was a shock to us all, since we had been predicting a boy. They named her Sydney, and she is so adorable. Hmmm, what else- oh, I entered the lottery that W.A.S.T.E. was having for Radiohead tickets, and my named was pulled, so I got four tickets to their show at Molson Park near Toronto. I am just estatic because they are so my favorite band, and the last time we saw them in '97 at the State Theatre, they were so fucking awesome. Thom Yorke is a god. Yeah, so the concert will rock, and the fact that it's in Toronto is cool, 'cause we plan on making a little vacation out of it. Other than that, nothing much else has been going on. I almost forgot, here is a trashy story for you all. Our family had a little scare last week in which we thought both my brother and I had measles, but our blood tests came back negative, so we were just sick with some mystery illness all week. Isn't that ugly? Everything is fine now, but I missed a whole week of work, and I just don't want to deal with it all tomorrow. One other thing that I want to mention, and maybe I shouldn't considering that anyone in the world could read this, but I just need to talk about it to get it out of my head- I have developed a horrible crush on this boy, Adam Kempa, who I have never met, or even talked to, and only know from reading his web site. If you remember, I used to be infatuated with a boy at Beaumont, Eric, and I used to ramble about how perfect he was for me, and how we should be married, etc. Well, Eric can not even hold a candle to this boy Adam. It sounds so pathetic, I know, but I just think he is so witty, and smart, and entertaining, and we like so many of the same bands (I know what you are thinking, hardly a reason to want to marry someone, because you like the same bands, but it really is that important to me). Anyway, I just think he is perfect. Jenny keeps urging me to e-mail him, but I don't know, I wouldn't even know what to say, and if you read this diary, then you know that any e-mail I could possibly craft would just be so stupid and lame that he would just delete it anyway. God, I am such a dork, it's really unbelievable sometimes how retarded I am. And I am so dillusional, to think that there is any possibility that this boy would even want to be my friend, let alone anything more than that. Why can't I get the idea of this boy out of my head? Why don't I realize how sad and pathetic I am, crushing on a boy who I have never seen, never talked to, and who doesn't even know I exist, and even if he did, would not give me a second glance? I am sure that being as awesome as he is, and being in a band, he has tons of girls throwing themselves at him, so what makes me think that I would ever have any chance? Do I really think that some lame e-mail I could craft could compete with all of the cute alterna-girls showing up at his concerts? God, I am just going to shut-up right now and get back to my work because I could go on in my self-depricating ways forever.


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My Smiths anthem is...'What She Said' My Smiths anthem is... "What She Said"
Snarl, cynic, snarl! Your philosophy and intellect seem to have gotten the best of you, and you seem to like it so far (at least outwardly). People? Who needs people when you have books and mountains of rationalization? Consider whether your bad luck in life may be the result of a matching mountain of self-pity, and try something new for a change (or someone new...)
"What She Said" is from Meat Is Murder.

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